The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the policies and procedures to be followed in receiving, handling and responding to any grievance against NEGOCIA GLOBAL PRIVATE LIMITED in respect of the products offered by it. The following are broad objectives for handling the customer & direct seller grievances:
- To provide fair and equal treatment to all customers & direct seller without bias at all times.
- To ensure that all issues raised by customers & direct seller are dealt with courtesy and resolved in stipulated timelines.
- To develop an adequate and timely organizational framework to promptly address and resolve customer Grievances fairly and equitably.
- To provide enhanced level of customers & direct seller’ satisfaction.
- To provide easy accessibility to the subscriber for an immediate Grievance redressal.
- To put in place a monitoring mechanism to oversee the functioning of the Grievance Handling Policy.
The Customers/Direct seller(hereinafter referred as Customer) can raise grievances through the following modes:
- Phone Call: 9358838740
- Email:
- Correspondance to: Negocia Global Pvt Ltd, 17- Govind nagar, Delhi Road, Alwar ( Rajasthan) Pin:-301001 India.
Central Grievance Management System (CGMS):
Any customer of the company can raise the complaint through the CGMS using the login and password provided by the company.
- i .Grievances received through phone call:
- The grievances that can be answered by the phone calls will be answered immediately.
- The grievances that need escalation/need additional details will be escalated through Central Grievance Management System (CGMS) of the company.
- ii. Grievances received through written communication:
- The grievances can be received through registered email, or letter.
- The grievances received will be recorded in the Central Grievance Management System (CGMS) of the company. The customer shall be provided with a unique grievance number generated under CGMS for future reference for grievance registered.
An acknowledgement shall be sent to the complainant within three working days of the receipt of the grievance. Acknowledgement shall contain Date of receipt of complaint/grievance, Unique Grievance Number, Expected date for resolution of grievance, Name, Designation and Contact details of Officer, Grievance escalation matrix with contact details and address and manner and mode of tracking resolution of grievance/complaint with the Unique Grievance Number.
In case the complaint received does not pertain to the intermediary, the complaint shall be transferred to the concerned intermediary within three working days, under intimation to the complainant. In case the complaint pertains to activity of more than one intermediary, then the complaint shall be transferred to each of such intermediary involved, provided however that resolution time shall not exceed 30 days from the date of the receipt of the complaint from the complainant.
The complaint letter / email should contain the user id and Complainant’s name, address and contact details, copies of supporting documents, wherever applicable.
All the complaints shall be registered in CGMS and in the Grievance Register of the Organization and shall be assigned a unique reference number.
If the grievance is resolved within three working days, the resolution shall be communicated along with the acknowledgement to the complainant.
The complaint shall be addressed as early as possible and within a maximum of 30 days of the receipt of the complaint.
All complaints shall be escalated to the next higher level of authority within the organization for cases which are pending for resolution for more than two (2) weeks from the date of sending acknowledgement. Cases which are escalated will be dealt with and monitored by the Chief Grievance Redressal Officer (CGRO) of the Organization.
The Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) would monitor the resolution of complaints received by the Organization and periodically put up the same for review by the Senior Management.
The Grievance Redressal Policy is accessible to all and it ensures that information is readily available on the modalities of making and resolving complaints. This policy is available on the website and also at the offices of this organization.
Complaint details will be kept confidential and shall be shared with other organizations / regulatory authorities only if in accordance with the relevant laws and the customer will be kept apprised about the same. Sharing of information otherwise will only be done with a written consent of the customer and the same will be done only in circumstances where the input of an external agency / organisation is necessary for resolving the complaint.
All complaints shall be monitored and marked as closed only after resolution of the customer grievance.
The complaint shall be treated as closed if the complainant has not responded within forty- five days of the receipt of the written response from the organization.
The customer/complainant shall be intimated on resolution of grievance/complaint. The intimation of resolution shall contain the Date of receipt of complaint/grievance, Unique Grievance Number, Name, Designation and Contact details of Officer signing the communication, procedure of representing the matter (contact details and address) and further right to approach higher authority in case of non- satisfactory resolution of grievance, within the time specified in the regulation.
Every grievance shall be disposed of within a period of thirty days of its receipt and a final reply shall be sent to the complainant, containing details of resolution or rejection of the complaint, with reasons thereof recorded in writing. A grievance shall be considered as disposed off and closed in any of the following instances, namely:
when the intermediary or entity regulated by Authority has acceded to the request of the complainant fully
- where the complainant has indicated in writing, initial-scale acceptance of the response of the intermediary or entity regulated by the Authority;
- where the complainant has not responded within forty-five days of the receipt of the written response of the intermediary or entity regulated by the Authority;
- where the Grievance Redressal Officer has certified under intimation to the customer that the intermediary or entity regulated by the Authority has discharged its contractual, statutory and regulatory obligations and therefore closes the complaint;
- where the complainant has not preferred any appeal within forty-five days from the date of receipt of resolution or rejection of the grievance communicated by the intermediary or entity